Animated beaver character
This fully animated cartoon beaver game sprite comes with a ton of funny animtions to really bring your game project to life. You can use this character in a variety of way for many different game types. Here is a full list of the beavers animations
- idle on all fours
- walk
- run
- jump
- tail whack
- sit up
- idle sitting up
- pick up stick
- gnaw stick to a point
- stab with pointy stick
- throw pointy stick
- hurt - whacked - die sitting up
- float
- swim
- hurt - whacked - die on all fours
Key components included in this pack
- .PNG frame sequences of all animations
- Fully rigged and animated Brash monkey Spriter .SCML file
- .PNG and .SVG vector puppet pieces if you wish to reric or deconstruct this character
- .PREFABThis download includes an experimental unity package. The unity package includes Unity3d prefabs of the beaver. Please be aware that this unity package is experimental and unfortunately I can't offer support. This package was created using the runtime spriter2unityDX. Please let me know on the discord if you have issues.