Fully animated round mechanoid robot with floating and quadruped variations
This fully animated top down mechanoid robot game sprite comes fully animated with two weapon types and full walking , scanning idle and dead animations. Easily incorporate this robot into your games using keyframes, or the spriter runtimes. If you don't like the red color easily modify colors with the gds editor and export direct to a Spriter structure.
Animations included with this character
- powered down pose (one frame)
- power up
- idle - blaster in / blaster out
- scan - blaster in / blaster out
- take out/put in blasters
- walk / float
- walk / float - blasters out
- walk / float - blasters out blasting double
- walk / float - blasters out blasting alternate
- power down
- die
Key components included in this pack
- .PNG frame sequences of all animations, each frame approx (740px by 740px) Use spriter to export larger frames or the bulk resize tool on-site to quickly reduce frames
- Fully rigged and animated Brash monkey Spriter .SCML file. Use this to export keyframe, spritesheets - add extra animations and more.
- .PNG and .SVG vector puppet pieces if you wish to rebuild or deconstruct this character
- .GDS puppet pieces, easily modify colors and outlines with GDS plus